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خالد بن عبدالله محمد الرشود

مادة دراسية

Reinforced Concrete 2

CE 472

Course Description:-
Design of floor systems, one way, two way, ribbed and flat slabs.  Design for torsion, combined shear and torsion by the strength method.  Design of continuous beams.  ACI moment redistribution for minimum rotation capacity.  Design of columns under axial and eccentric loadings, short and long columns.  Staircases.  Types of footings.



Prerequisite CE 461, CE 471
Prerequisites by Topics:
1.            Determination of forces, moments and deflections for a beam under given gravity loading
2.            Understanding Pattern loading and  influence lines
3.            Solution of statically indeterminate structures using moment distribution
4.            Understanding specified material properties for design
5.            understanding design criteria of strength and serviceability
6.            flexural design of beams and  shear design of beams according to codes of practice
7.            Computing the cracking moment and effective moment of inertia for a section
8.            Computing development length for rebars
9.            Loads and Design Combinations
Topics Covered 1.            Slab-beam-girder floor systems
2.            Columns under axial and eccentric loading
3.            Slender columns
4.            Two-way slab systems
5.            Footings
6.      Staircases
Textbook(s) and/or Other Required Material 1.            Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design, 3rd ed. by J. G. MacGregor
2.                   Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-95M or SBC304)
Course learning Objectives Students completing this course successfully will be able to
1.    Explain the factors affecting the selection of a one-way solid slab or one-way joist systems for a given beam-girder layout.
2.    Compute design loads on a typical strip, estimate thickness dimensions and show the idealization of load transfer to beams, girders and columns.
3.    Compute required flexural and shear strengths on slab strips, ribs, beams, and girders using ACI coefficients (when applicable) and elastic analysis.
4.    Design critical sections within the constraints of code design criteria of safety, serviceability and economy using fundamental principles as well as design aids.
5.    Compute nominal and design strength of a column section for points in the compression controlled and tensions controlled zones using equilibrium and compatibility requirements.
6.    Investigate slenderness and stability of columns and evaluate their effects on column design
7.    Check the adequacy of column strength using generated axial load-moment interaction diagrams considering both uni-axial and biaxial moments
8.    Model regular two-way slab systems by 2-D design frames.
9.    Determine the required strength moments in design strips in accordance with the Direct Design Method
10.Provide flexural design and detailing of two-way slabs to satisfy design criteria.
11.Verify slab and footing safety against one-way and two-way modes of failure in shear.
12.Compute single footing dimensions on the basis of loading and soil properties.
13.Carryout flexural design and detailing in both direction
14.Recognize the role of codes and specifications in the design process
15.Make reasonable assumptions and test those against fundamental knowledge.
16.Conceive design alternatives.
Class/ tutorial  Schedule Class is held three times per week in 50-minute lecture sessions. There is also a 50-minute weekly tutorial associated with this course.
Computer Applications Computer spreadsheets are encouraged for developing design aids and carrying out systematic steps of design.
Projects None.
Contribution of Course to Meeting the Professional Component 1.    Students use latest codes, design manual for designing structural systems within appropriate constraints including satisfying design criteria.
2.    Students recognize the role of professional societies in developing codes and standards and updating current knowledge.
Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes 1.    Students apply algebra, elementary calculus, and principles of mechanics.
2.    Students design structural systems and recognize the interaction with non-structural components
3.    Students recognize their role with an engineering team carrying other aspects of design and the interaction of decisions made by various architectural and engineering teams.
4.    Students are encouraged to consider alternative systems and parameters to achieve the project goals.
5.    Students recognize the ethical and professional responsibility in achieving safe and economical design, and the impact of their design on the well-being of the society.
6.    Students develop the background to communicate effectively because the course stresses fundamental principles behind code provisions.
7.    Students recognize the need for technical updating on a continuing basis because the course stresses the changing nature of technology, materials, codes and specifications.
8.    Students recognize the importance of reading and understanding technical contents in English in order to achieve life–long learning and be able to carryout their responsibilities.
9.    Students recognize the important role of computers in facilitating analysis and design of structural members and systems.
Prepared by   Prof. Abdelhamid Charif
ملحقات المادة الدراسية