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Rashed A. Aldabas

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Building 15, Floor 1, Office 198
Journal Article

Preparing For Using Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Classrooms: Pre-Service Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions

Aldabas, Rashed A. . 2017


The purpose of this study was to examine pre-service special education teachers’ perceptions regarding their skills and knowledge about the use of AAC, with respect to how well it prepared them to use AAC with students who have severe communication impairments. A descriptive research design was used to address the research questions. A total of 27 special education pre-service teachers (emphasized whether Early Childhood Special Education or Intellectual Disabilities) completed an online survey. The findings indicate that participants responded positively about their knowledge, ability, skills, and attitudes about teaching and using AAC for students with severe communication disabilities. However, the results found that the majority of participants felt their preparation programs were not adequate in preparing them to implement and use AAC in classrooms. Although the participants felt more confident in their ability to teach students who use AAC, the general consensus was that more preparation training would be helpful in the classroom and with the students themselves. More implications for practice and recommendations for future research are discussed.


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Magazine \ Newspaper
Journal of Studies in Education
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