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Moncef Ben Salem Bouaziz المنصف بن سالم بوعزيز

Associate Professor

أستاذ مشارك, قسم الرياضيات بجامعة الملك سعود. أستاذ مشارك بجامعة تونس المنار

كلية العلوم
Building 4, Floor 2, Office NO: A152
مقال فى مجلة

Finite orders which are reconstructible up to duality by their comparability graphs

A finite order P on a set V is reconstructible (respectively, reconstructible up to duality) by its comparability graph if each order on V which has the same comparability graph as P is isomorphic to P (respectively, is isomorphic to P or to its dual P⋆).
In this paper, we describe the finite orders which are reconstructible up to duality by their comparability graphs. This result is motivated by the characterization, obtained by Gallai (Acta Math Acad Sci Hungar 18:25–66, 1967), of the pairs of finite orders having the same comparability graph. Notice that a characterization of the finite orders which are reconstructible by their comparability graphs is easily deduced from Gallai’s result.

اسم الناشر
مدينة النشر
رقم المجلد
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
2297 إلى 2312
مزيد من المنشورات

Excess properties calculated from the experimental values of densities and viscosities have been presented in the previous work.

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A finite order P on a set V is reconstructible (respectively, reconstructible up to duality) by its comparability graph if each order on V which has the same comparability graph as P is isomorphic…

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