Notion of viscosity Arrhenius temperature for N, N-dimethylacetamide with N, N-dimethylformamide binary mixtures and its pure component
Excess properties calculated from the experimental values of densities and viscosities have been presented in the previous work. These experimental values can also lead us to test different correlation equations as well as their corresponding relative functions.Inspection of the Arrhenius activation energy E a and the enthalpy of activation of viscous flowΔH* found very close values, here we can define partial molar activationenergyEa1andEa2forN,N-dimethylacetamide and methanol respectively along with their individual contribution separately. Correlation between the two Arrhenius para-meters of viscosity in all compositions shows existence of distinct behaviours sepa-rated by particular mole fractions ofN,N-dimethylacetamide. In addition, the correlation between Arrhenius parameters reveals interesting Arrhenius temperature which is closely related to the vaporisation temperature in the liquid vapour equili-brium and the limiting corresponding partial molar properties that can permit us to estimate the boiling points of the pure components.
Excess properties calculated from the experimental values of densities and viscosities have been presented in the previous work.
Abstract: Let P and P' be two orders on the same set X. The order P' is hemimorphic to P if it isomorphic to P or to its dual P*. It is hereditarily hemimorphic to P if for each subset A of X, the…
A finite order P on a set V is reconstructible (respectively, reconstructible up to duality) by its comparability graph if each order on V which has the same comparability graph as P is isomorphic…