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Dr Zubair Ahmad

Associate Professor


كلية العلوم
Building Number 5, Office Number AB 69, Ground floor



Every one is welcome for everything from me. Students can see me any time they need.  Can ask…

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Limited molecular studies have been documented with ACE gene polymorphism in OA and RA in the
major industrial city in the country. The current study aims to investigate the prevalence of…

by Tayyaba Sultana a, Sadia Mahmood a, Salma Sultana a, K.A. Al-Ghanim b, Z. Ahmed b, Tehniat Shahid c, Ashfaq Ahmad c, Shahid Mahboob

The current study was aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation in bioaccumulation of metals (Pb, Cu and
Ni) in the gills, kidney, liver and muscle of Oreochromis niloticus. Sixty fish…

by Shahid Mahboob ⇑, Khalid A. Al-Ghanim, H.F. Al-Balawi, F. Al-Misned, Z. Ahmed

Specimens of Heteropneustes fossilis were treated with various levels of malathion and its 96 h LC50 value
was determined. The effects of sub-lethal concentrations of insecticide on…

by Z. Ahmad, H.F. Alkahem Al-Balawi, K.A. Al-Ghanim, F. Al-Misned, S. Mahboob

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Advanced biology of aquatic vertebrates (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fishes) and invertebrates (mollusc, rustaceans, echinoders) characteristics, phylogeny, classification, reproduction…


To provide the students with general tesr procedures to establish water quality criteria and tentative water quality criteria for temperature, dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, finely dissolved…


Introduction; economic fishes; freshwater, marine and brackish water fishes; fish with most hatching, rearing nurturing potential in Saudi Arabia, reproduction and life cycle of selected fish,…