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ياسر محروس مصطفى علي حسن

Associate Professor

ممثل الجودة

كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني
مبني 69 - الدور الأول - مكتب 010

Sports selection course

The concept of selection is that “the word for selection in the language is from the verb to select, to select, to select….and select the thing, i.e. choose it.” This topic is one of the important topics in the field of sports, as individuals are not equal in their capabilities and abilities, as there are individual differences between them, which are defined as “the variance and difference in mental, physical, motor and physical abilities.” Therefore, “the discovery of motor abilities and physiological characteristics that characterizes each person Then directing him to practice a certain type of sports activities that are compatible with his characteristics, but it accelerates obtaining success and achieving the required levels with the economy in time, effort and money. Physical, mental, psychological and according to the theory of individual differences. As “every activity or sport game has typical requirements or specifications that must be met by the athlete so that he can achieve advanced levels.” The selection process in the sports field in general aims to select the best players to practice a specific sporting activity and reach high levels in this activity. This process is a result of the different players and their physical, mental and psychological preparations, and it has become recognized that the possibility of the player reaching the higher levels in the sports field becomes better if it was possible from the beginning to select and direct him to the type of sports activity that suits his different preparations and abilities and predicting the impact of training operations on the growth of And developing those preparations and capabilities in an effective manner that enables the player to achieve continuous progress. Define mathematical selection. Sports selection is the process of selecting the best players from among the young players who have special preparations and abilities consistent with the requirements of the type of sports activity. It is a continuous process through which a comparison is made between male and female players according to certain determinants, and this means selecting the best talented players to practice the type of activity that suits their different preparations and abilities. The process of selecting talents in the sports field aims to try to choose the best elements in order to reach the highest levels of physical performance, depending on many aspects of talent, whether physical, psychological or genetic. The Importance of Selection in the Sports Field 1 - Economy in time, effort and money 2 - Reaching for the selection of appropriate scientific methods for selecting the best elements while specifying the time required to refine these talents and reach them to the best levels of performance. 3 - Designing and preparing training programs with confidence that they can be completed depending on the characteristics and capabilities of the players. 4- Predicting future levels of physical and technical performance. 5- Increase the volume and intensity of training reassuringly. 6 - Improving the level of physical, technical, skill and psychological performance in a sound manner. 7- Protecting the player from engaging in negative social practices. 8 - The player gains self-confidence in training and competitions. 9 - It is considered an ideal field for the application of scientific theories in the field of sports training. James and William (James and William 1983) add to the importance of selection or selection that this process helps to evaluate players when developing programs studied for them, as well as works to determine the point that must be The coach begins with the development of training programs in addition to the clarity of the level and quality of the programs provided by the coach to these players and their suitability for them. Objectives of selection in the sports field The selection process was not limited to discovering the talented and directing them to the appropriate sporting events for their ability, but included many goals, the most prominent of which are: - 1 - Determining the specifications and morphological, physical and kinetic requirements that must be met by the individual to excel in sports activity. 2- Early detection of those with high preparations and capabilities. 3- Directing those wishing to practice sports to the appropriate fields for their tendencies and tendencies. 4 - Finding a broad base of talented and athletic willing to choose the best elements over multiple time periods. 5- Economy in time, effort and money in the process of sports training for those who are expected to excel in this sports activity in the future. 6 - Rationalizing the training process to develop and develop the capabilities and capabilities of the individual in the light of what should be achieved. 7 - Increasing the motivation for sports practice to approximate and harmonize the levels of the group of individuals with unity and to stay away from the discrepancy between them. 8- Concentrating the training process to develop the capabilities and capabilities of those expected to achieve high levels and achievements. 9 - Choosing the best individuals in a specific sporting activity to form teams to participate in a specific competition. 10 - Developing the sports selection processes and stages in terms of organization and effectiveness through continuous scientific studies and research. Characteristics of selection 1 - that the process of selection from a large base of individuals. 2 - It is characterized by continuity and instability in one of its stages. 3- Relying on experience in selection, whether it is personal experience or scientific experience. 4 - Integration during the selection process in terms of looking at the personality of the picker as one integrated unit of functional aspects. 5 - Individuality, which are the characteristics of the individual that distinguish him from his peers, the level of his awareness and his potential. (76:4) Scientific bases for selection: There are some principles that must be taken into account in the selection process as follows: - • The scientific basis for selection: that is, the methods of diagnosis and measurement must be It is based on a scientific basis. • Inclusion of the aspects of selection: it should include all aspects related to the player (physical, physical and psychological. • Continuity of measurement and diagnosis: since selection in the sports field does not stop at a specific stage, but measurements are continuous for all stages. The scales are flexible with the possibility of adjustment according to different conditions.• Soil value

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