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وليد عبدالقيوم إدريس


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية إدارة الأعمال
مبنى 67 - الدور الأول - F92
Journal Article

Asymmetric volatility spillovers between stock returns and exchange rate changes: Empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Zakaria, S.A., and Idris, W.A. (2013). Asymmetric volatility spillovers between stock returns and exchange rate changes: Empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2013 2,(7-16).

Volume Number
المجلد العشرون
Issue Number
العدد الثاني مايو 2013
Magazine \ Newspaper
Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences
more of publication

Zakaria, S.A., and Idris, W.A. (2013). Asymmetric volatility spillovers between stock returns and exchange rate changes: Empirical evidence from Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Arab Journal of…


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