كل ما يخص متابعة المقررات ستجدونها في نظام إدراة التعلم
introduction/brief CV
Faculty member in the Department of Botany and Microbiology, Associate Professor of Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Materials, including Bio-Extracted Nanomaterials, in addition to participating in a number of committees in the department, including the Academic Accreditation Committee and the Community Partnership Committee. He also helps supervise graduate students and contributes to community service. He has published many scientific research papers in international journals classified within the Web of Science.
The sediment marine samples were obtained from several places along the coastline of the Tuticorin shoreline, Tamil Nadu, India were separated for the presence of bioactive compound producing…
Suresh Dhanaraj , Somanathan Thirunavukkarasu , Henry Allen John , Sridhar Pandian , Saleh H. Salmen , Arunachalam Chinnathambi , Sulaiman Ali Alharbi
Leptospirosis is a globally re-emerging infectious disease mainly for mammals. The infection is caused by the spirochete Gram-negative bacterium Leptospira interrogans, which affects animals and…
Introduction –Principals of Microbiology - Historical Review of the pioneer Microbiologist –Development of Microbiology – Methods of Studying Microorganisms – Classification of…
Course Specialization
The basic techniques in Microbiology laboratories (Microbiology Lab. Organization and management The microcopy technique, Kinds of microscopes,…
This course introduces basic knowledge of bacteriology Student will be able to distinguish between deferent types of bacteria and their features Students will be .
.introduced and practice…