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صالح حسين سالمين - Saleh H. Salmen

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم
قسم النبات و الاحياء الدقيقة / مكتب 1B 10/1 الدور الاول كلية العلوم مبنى 5

علم البكتيريا العام (حدق 260) - (General Bacteriology (260 MBIO

This course introduces basic knowledge of bacteriology Student will be able to distinguish between deferent types of bacteria and their features Students will be .

.introduced and practice different bacteriology lab practices isolation and identification by using chemical and molecular methods

Course outlines
At the end of this course student will be able:

To understand bacterial groups, their characteristic
taxonomy and biological significance

To understand bacterial isolation methods

To understand procedures for obtaining pure

To Identify bacteria by using chemical and
molecular methods

course attachements