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سعد بن عبدالله الغانم


عميد كلية إدارة الأعمال

كلية إدارة الأعمال
الدور 1 - كلية إدارة الأعمال (رقم المبنى 67)
Journal Article

مرفق ( إضغط هنا )

), مرفق ( إضغط هنا . 2014


البحوث المحكمة والمنشورة
·  تم نشر العديد من البحوث والدراسات  في مجال إدارة الصحة والمستشفيات والإدارة العامة وذلك في المجلات العلمية المحكمة والمصنفة ضمن مجلات الـ   ISIالدولية المتميزة.
·  النشر في جميع المجلات العلمية المحكمة والمعتمدة من مجلس قسم الإدارة العامة بكلية إدارة الأعمال بجامعة الملك سعود كمجلات متميزة.  وفيما يلي بعضا من الإنتاج العلمي  المنشور:

  • Alghanim, S. “Frequent attendance in primary health care centres: prevalence, patients’ characteristics and associated factors”, College of Administrative Sciences Research, Center, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2005), No. 23.
  • Alghanim, S. “Exploring public knowledge and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS in Saudi Arabia: A survey of primary health care users”, Saudi Medical Journal (2005), Vol. 26, No. 5: 812-818.    
·      Alghanim, S. “Factors Influencing the Utilization of Public and Private Primary Health Care Services in Riyadh City”, Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Economics and Administration (2005), Vol. 19 No. 1:3-27.
·      Alghanim, S. “Determinants of Health Services Utilization by the Elderly Patients in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia”. College of Business Administration, Research Center, (2007),
  • Alghanim, S. The willingness toward deceased organ donation among university students. Implications for health education in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Medical Journal (2009), Vol. 30, No. 10: 1340-1345
  • Alghanim, S. “An Analysis of High School Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes Towards HIV/AIDS in Saudi Arabia: Implications for Health Education”, Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 2009, 7(1):9-13.
  • Al-Omar, B., Alghanim, S. “Expectations and satisfaction with inpatient services in Saudi hospitals”. College of Business Administration, Research Center, King Saud University, (2009).
·      Alghanim, S. “ Determinants of Health Services Utilization by Elderly Patients in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, College of Business Administration, Research Center, King Saud University, (2009).
  • Al-Omar, B., Alghanim, S. “Utilization of hospital resources: A survey-based study of Saudi hospital in Riyadh City”, Clinical Governance: An International Journal (2010), 15(2): 134-141.
  • Alghanim, S “ Knowledge and attitudes toward organ donation: a community-based study involving rural and urban populations in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation (2010), 21(1):23-30.
  • Alghanim, S “Profiling patients who use the Internet for health information: Implications for health care providers: Arab Journal of Administrative Sciences, 2010, 17(3):537-565.
  • Alomar, B and Alghanim, S, “Utilization of hospital resources: a survey-based study of Saudi hospitals in Riyadh City”, Clinical Governance: An International Journal, 2010, 15(2): 134-141.
  • Alghanim, S “Self-medication practice among patients in a public health care system, The Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, World Health Oorganization, 2011, 17(5): 409-416.
  • Alghanim, S “Information needs and seeking behavior among primary care physicians in Saudi Arabia: Implications for policy and practice”, Scientific Research and Essays, 2011, 6(8): 1849-1855.
  • Alghanim, S “Factors Associated with Patients Bypassing Primary Health Care Facilities in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Study” Kuwait Medical Journal 2011, 43(1): 26-32.
·      Al-Hawary, S, Alghanim S, Mohammad A, “Quality level of health care services provided by King Abdullah educational Hospital from patients’ viewpoint”, 2011, 2(11): 552-572.
·      Algwaiz and Alghanim “Violence exposure among health care professionals in Saudi public hospitals_ A preliminary investigation”, Saudi Medical Journal, 2012,  Vol. 33 (1): 76-82
·      Alghanim and Alomar, “Frequent Use of Emergency Departments in Saudi Public Hospitals_ Implications for primary health care services” Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Halth, Dec, 2011.
·      Alghanim, “Profiling Elderly and Younger Patients Attending Health Care Facilities”, JKAU: Econ. & Adm., Vol. 24 No. 2, pp: 243-270
Alghanim et al “Gender-dependent associations between socioeconomic status and metabolic syndrome: a cross-sectional study in the adult Saudi population, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2014, 14:51.
  • Alghanim et al “Investigating the impact of intranet resistance on manger’s performance, Polish Maritime Research, 1(81) 2014 Vol 21; pp. 89-95
  • Alghanim, Assessing knowledge of the patient bill of rights in central Saudi Arabia, Annals of  Saudi Medicine, 2012, Mar-Apr;32(2):151-5.
  • Al-Hamali R, Alghanim S, Sasidhar B,  Role Conflict among Health Personnel – A Study of Saudi Hospitals,  Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business, 2013, 2(8), 42-51.
  • Alnaif M, Alghanim S, Patients’ knowledge and attitudes towards health education: Implications for primary health care services in Saudi Arabia, J Fam Community Med 2009;16(1):27-32
Other publications (Available on request).


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البحوث المحكمة والمنشورة
·  تم نشر العديد من البحوث والدراسات  في مجال إدارة الصحة والمستشفيات والإدارة العامة وذلك في المجلات العلمية المحكمة والمصنفة…

by مرفق ( إضغط هنا )