publication Journal Article 2023 Genetic Variants of HOTAIR Associated with Colorectal Cancer: A Case-Control Study in the Saudi Population more of publication Genetic Variants of HOTAIR Associated with Colorectal Cancer: A Case-Control Study in the Saudi Population by Haya Saad Alzeer, Jilani P Shaik, Narasimha Reddy Parine, Mohammad Alanazi, Abdullah Al Alamri, Ramesa Shafi Bhat, Sooad Al Daihan 2023 Therapeutic and Protective Potency of Bee Pollen Against Neurotoxic Effects Induced by Prenatal Exposure of Rats to Methyl Mercury by Al-Osaimi M, El-Ansary A, Al-Daihan S, Bhat RS, Ben Bacha A 2018 Polymorphisms in proinflammatory cytokine genes, effect on gene expression and association with preterm delivery in Saudi females by As Sayaril N, Bhat RS, Warsy AS, Babay ZA, Addar MH, Shaik J, Al-Marry B, Al-Daihan S 2018