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Sara Mohammed AlShaker

Assistant Professor

استشاري طب و جراحة العيون، اختصاص جراحة القرنية و أمراض مقدمة العين و عمليات تصحيح النظر

كلية الطب
مستشفى الملك عبدالعزيز الجامعي

نماذج أسئلة

1. Kayser Fleischer ring:

a. is pathognomonic of Wilson's disease

b. first appears in the superior and inferior Descemet's membrane

c. disappears with disferroxamine treatment

2. The following are true about the differences between LASIK and PRK:

a. LASIK is technically easier than PRK

b. PRK causes less pain than LASIK

c. Epithelial downgrowth is seen in LASIK but not PRK

3. With regard to optic neuritis:

a. A faster visual recovery usually occurs with systemic steroids

b. Final visual outcome is improved with systemic steroids

c. The risk of developing multiple sclerosis is reduced in patients treated with corticosteroids

4. The gram stain of a patient's corneal ulcer reveals gram-negative rods. Possible organism can be:

a. Neisseria

b. Pseudomona aeruginosa

c. Corynebacterium

5. The tear film in the human eyes consists of the following:

a. lipid layer by meibomian glands; aqueous layer by lacrimal gland; and mucus layer by goblet cells

b. lipid layer by lacrimal sac; aqueous layer by meibomian glands; and mucus layer by sebaceous glands

c. lipid layer by lacrimal gland; aqueous layer by lacrimal sac; and mucus layer by goblet cells

Answers: 1. b; 2. c; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a

Reference: Ophthalmology Fact Fixer by Chung Nen Chua et. al.

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1. Kayser Fleischer ring:…