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Rashid Ayub

Assistant Professor


علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Dept. of Science, Technology & Innovation Unit (STU), King Saud University, P. O. Box-2454, Riyadh-11451

introduction/brief CV

Rashid Ayub, Ph.D (Computer Sc.), MCA (CS), M.Sc. (Maths) received his Ph.D degree in Computer Science & Applications after achieving his double Master degree in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1996. The Topic of his Ph.d Thesis :“Extension of Bounded Rationality in Artificial Intelligence to Sensing Activity through Limited Resource Sensing Problem”. He is currently working as a Researcher at Science Technology & Innovation Dept. under National Plan for Science & Technology (NPST) setup in the College of Computer Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He has more than two decades of working experience both in industry and academia in India and Abroad. He also served as a Trainer by United Nations Training Program on “Integrated Management Information System (iMIS) based on ERP” in United Nations (UNEP) office at Bangkok, Thailand. He has also served as MIS Officer/Coordinator in the Ministry of Environment & Forest, New Delhi, India and developed “MIS Vision Document for Compliance Era of 2004-07” covering aspects such as E-based mechanism for dissemination of Information, Knowledge Management and Technology Transfer. Also involved in “Development of centralized MIS System for cohesive data compilation of ODS-III and ODS-IV”. He has published several research articles in international journals and refereed conferences. His research interests are related to 1) Internet of Things (IoT), 2) Deep Learning, 3) Artificial Intelligence, 4) Machine Learning, 5) Cloud Computing, 6) Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic and their applications in the areas of e-Healthcare, Smart City and Bio-Informatics.

Rashid Ayub’s research profile links: -
Google Scholar ID:  
Web of Science ID: 
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ORCID ID: (LinkedIn)

areas of expertise

1) Artificial Intelligence,

2) Deep Learning,

3) Internet of Things (IoT),

4) Machine Learning,

5) Cloud Computing,

6) Neural Network & Fuzzy Logic,

7) e-Healthcare, Smart City and Bio-Informatics.

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by Rashid Ayub
Published in:
Third Scientific Forum of the Scientific Journals Unit
by Rashid Ayub
Published in:
Nano Science and Technology Consortium

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