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Dr. Omer Fantoukh | د. عمر الفنتوخ

Associate Professor

Chairman of Pharmacognosy Department, Associate Professor and Consultant of Pharmacognosy and Herbal Medicine, Head of Herbal and Alternative Medicine Unit, Head of Medicinal Plants Garden- College of Pharmacy

كلية الصيدلة
Office: Clinical Pharmacy Department - The 1st floor - 1A5 Or Pharmacognosy Chairman Office

نتائج الاختبار الثاني لمقرر عقر 323 (20 درجة) 1443 هـ 2022 م

الرقم الجامعي الدرجة من 20
441100482 20
441100925 20
441100159 20
441100609 20
441100682 20
441100806 20
441100153 19.6
441100934 19.6
441100246 19.6
441100258 19.6
441100298 19.6
441100884 19.6
441100220 19.2
441100194 19.2
441100382 19.2
441100422 19.2
441100669 19.2
441101013 19.2
441100825 18.8
441100457 18.8
441100868 18.8
441102318 18.8
441100338 18
441100769 18
441100183 18
441100579 18
441100636 18
441100753 18
441100866 18
441100924 18
441103285 17.6
439100328 17.2
441100267 17.2
441100370 17.2
441100450 17.2
441100864 17.2
441100386 16.8
441100549 16.8
441100783 16.8
436100098 16.4
441101009 16
441100407 15.6
441100530 15.6
441100586 15.6
441100436 15.2
441100141 15.2
441100211 14.8
441100414 14.4
441100676 14.4
441100928 14.4
441100713 14
441100195 13.6
441100318 13.6
441100533 13.6
441100952 13.6
441100945 13.6
441100350 13.2
441100860 13.2
441100205 12.4
441100724 12.4
441100885 12.4
439100344 12
441100289 12
441100290 11.6
441100151 11.2
441100473 10.4
435100058 9.6
441100361 9.2
439100443 8
442105806 7.6
Mean 16.15428571
Median 17.2

more of announcement

The attachment contains a booklet that includes the faculty members in the pharmacognosy…


الرقم الجامعي الدرجة من 20 441100482 20 441100925 20 441100159 20…


مرفق لكم نتائج الاختبار الأول من 20 درجة.