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نبيلة الجابر


الكيمياء العضوية والمنتجات الطبيعية

كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم - قسم الكيمياء - الدور الثالث غرفة (239)

The Pharmacological Activity of Some Tamaricaceae Plants

Allehaib2, Nabila Al-Jaber1* and Lamya . 2017

The antipyretic activity of the alcoholic extracts for the Tamarix aucheriana, T. nilotica, and T. aphylla were
measured in the Wistar albino male rats (150-180 g) by using a yeast-induced hyperpyrexia test. The carrageenan -
induced paw edema method. The anti-inflammatory activity of the T. aucheriana, T. nilotica, and T. aphylla extracts was
measured. The edema was expressed as an increase in paw volume. The analgesic activity of the alcoholic extracts of
the T. aucheriana, T. nilotica, and T. aphylla were implemented in the Swiss albino mice by using acetic acid induced

writhing and hot plate methods.

Publication Work Type
Research Article
Volume Number
DOI: 10.4172/2329-6836.1000262
Issue Number
Magazine \ Newspaper
Natural Products Chemistry & Research
more of publication

The antipyretic activity of the alcoholic extracts for the Tamarix aucheriana, T. nilotica, and T. aphylla were
measured in the Wistar albino male rats (150-180 g) by using a yeast-induced…

by Nabila Al-Jaber1* and Lamya Allehaib2