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Nasser D. Alqahtani

Associate Professor

Orthodontic Consultant an Associate Professor at Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics Dept.

كلية طب الأسنان
2nd floor, building 23
course material




Introduction to Orthodontics
431 PDS





1. An Introduction to Orthodontics, Third Edition


 Laura Mitchell

2007, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

ISBN: 0198568126

Also, some lectures refer to selected chapters of the following textbooks:


2.Contemporary Orthodontics, Fourth Edition

William R. Proffit, Henry W. Fields and David M. Sarver

2006, Saint Louis: Mosby, Inc.

ISBN: 0323040462

3. Introduction to Orthodontics, Second Edition


Birgit Thilander and Olli Rِnning

1995, karlshamn: Gothia

ISBN: 9172050004