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أ.د. نواف يوسف لبان Prof. Nawaf Yousef Labban


بروفيسور , قسم الاستعاضة السنية

كلية طب الأسنان
room 2A/79

introduction/brief CV

My role as a teacher is to enable students to understand the art of prosthodontic treatment planning, critically evaluate ideal and alternative treatment planning decisions, and assess the significance of prosthodontics and implant dentistry.
I am also very committed to providing a learning environment that is exciting and that empowers both student and teacher in pursuing learning. I focus in my learning to create an environment where students feel safe to candidly discuss topics and ask questions. For me, the best way to accomplish this environment is through small group or one-on-one teaching, particularly in a clinically relevant setting. This allows the student to integrate knowledge into a useful framework and provides emotional resonance to the learning process.
Through my work at the King Saud University, and my previous experience at Indiana University,  I plan to continue applying the best methods of dental education and assessment. I will focus of continuing to share my knowledge and skills in a collaborative way with other program directors and educators with the goal of helping to shape the finest ways to teach and educate students. 

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  DR. NAWAF LABBAN Course Director - BUC     DR. HANAN AL.OTAIBI Course Director - GUC     …


As provided from the course director: COURSE TITLE: CLINICAL REMOVABLE PROSTHODONTICS I COURSE CODE: SDS 423 CREDIT HOURS: 3 CREDIT UNITS: 1 Lecture + 2 Clinics …


As provided from the course director: ACADEMIC YEAR 1435/1436H (2014/2015G)   COURSE TITLE : Clinical Removable Prosthodontics II COURSE CODE : SDS 441 …