The toxic substances that humans deal with through food, drink, medicines, clothing, and various work supplies are enough to cause a fair amount of psychological and organic pain. The dangerous thing about these toxins is that they accumulate in the body, and this accumulation is specific to adipose tissue and semi-adipose nerve cell tissue, and these toxins accumulate in the body. The liver (toxins that are soluble in fat), in the kidneys (toxins that are soluble in water), and also in the pancreas, skin, bone marrow, and teeth.
Cupping these parts is used successfully to get rid of these toxins, and since the first symptom of these toxins is a feeling of chronic fatigue and lack of concentration, after a few sessions a person feels much better and enjoys comfort and vitality.
The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, says that cupping is a cure “if it agrees with a disease.” Cupping is one of the methods of treatment that was used during the time of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, used it. It is true that he said about it: (The best example of what You are treated with cupping.) Scholars say: His saying - may God bless him and grant him peace - is a speech to the people of Hijaz, and people like them from the people of hot countries. Because cupping is suitable for people in hot countries
Dry cupping method:
1. Sterilize the area to be cupped with medical disinfectants.
2. You may need to put a little oil or Vaseline on the rim of the cup so that the cup sticks tightly to the skin.
3. Place the cupping cup on the area to be cupped.
4. Empty the vacuum cup using the suction device.
5. The skin will be pulled into the cup.
6. After five to ten minutes (preferably no more than 10 minutes), gently remove the cup by pressing the skin at the edge of the cup.
7. In the case of facial cupping, the duration should not exceed half a minute.
Before cupping
The following must be taken into account:
He must not be in a state of fullness, meaning at least he must have abstained from eating for three hours, nor be hungry, and not be afraid.
If he does not have a heart condition, he must use a pacemaker
If he does not suffer from kidney failure, he must undergo dialysis
His temperature should not be high or he should feel cold
To provide complete information about his health condition with complete accuracy. Each patient has special treatment that suits his condition
After cupping
He should warm himself well
He should not exert any effort and rest for at least twenty-four hours
He should not bathe for a day or night unless necessary in warm weather
He must abstain from eating dairy products and fatty foods for twenty-four hours