For high moisture removal applications with improved indoor air quality, the use of liquid-to-air membrane energy exchangers (LAMEEs) in liquid desiccant (LD) air-conditioning systems has been…
Mahmoud Badawy Elsheniti, Ahmed Shehata, Abd El-Hamid Attia, Wael El-Maghlany
ME 374 (Thermodynamics II) is a 2-credit hour (2 weekly lectures) fourth-year course. The course is designed to introduce students to availability (exergy); ideal gas mixtures; gas vapor mixtures…
The course is designed to introduce students to the practical areas of thermos fluids by conducting lab tests using lab-scale experimental setup. The students are trained to make full-fledged…
Thermodynamics I is a fundamental course that serves as the background for many courses in thermal fluid sciences. The main topics covered are: basics concepts and definitions, energy transfer,…