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أ.د. محمد آمون أحمد شرابي


أستاذ - مشرف مكتب الآيزو

كلية المجتمع بالرياض
مبنى 2، دور 2، مكتب 1
Journal Article

Energy-Efficient Hybrid Framework for Green Cloud Computing

The increasing growth in the demand for cloud computing services, due to the increasing digital transformation and the high elasticity of the cloud, requires more efforts to improve the electrical energy efficiency of cloud data centers. In this paper, an energy-efficient hybrid (EEH) framework for improving the efficiency of consuming electrical energy in data centers is proposed and evaluated. The proposed framework is based on both the request scheduling and servers consolidation approaches rather than depending only on one approach as in the existing related works. The EEH framework sorts the customers' requests (tasks) according to their time and power needs before performing the scheduling. It has a scheduling algorithm that considers power consumption when taking its scheduling decisions. It also has a consolidation algorithm that determines the underloaded servers to be slept or hibernated, the overloaded servers, the virtual machines to be migrated and the servers that will receive migrated virtual machines. In addition, the EEH framework includes a migration algorithm for transferring migrated virtual machines to new servers. Results of simulation experiments indicate the superiority of the EEH framework to the utilization of one approach only to reduce power consumption in terms of power usage effectiveness (PUE), data center energy productivity (DCEP), average execution time, throughput and cost saving.

Publication Work Type
Research paper
Volume Number
Magazine \ Newspaper
IEEE Access
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