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منيرة السميّح Munirah Alsamih

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة التدريس

مبنى كلية التربية-الدور الثاني (مكتب 147)
Journal Article

How do Saudi Children and Their Mothers Evaluate Religion-Based Exclusion?

Abstract This study focuses on Saudi mothers’ and their children’s judgments and reasoning about exclusion based on religion. Sixty Saudi children and their mothers residing in Saudi Arabia and 58 Saudi children and their mothers residing in the United Kingdom were interviewed. They were read vignettes depicting episodes of exclusion based on the targets’ religion ordered by peers or a father. Participants were asked to judge the acceptability of exclusion and justify their judgments. Both groups rated the religious-based exclusion of children from peer interactions as unacceptable. Saudi children and mothers residing in the UK were less accepting of exclusion than were children and mothers residing in Saudi Arabia. In addition, children and mothers residing in the UK were more likely to evaluate exclusion as a moral issue and less likely as a social conventional issue than were children and mothers residing in Saudi Arabia. Mothers in the UK were also less likely to invoke psychological reasons than were mothers in Saudi Arabia. Children’s judgments about exclusion were predicted by mothers’ judgments about exclusion. In addition, the number of times children used moral or social conventional reasons across the vignettes was positively correlated with mothers’ use of these categories. The findings, which support the Social Reasoning Development model, are discussed in relation to how mot

Magazine \ Newspaper
Journal of Child and Family Studies
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Abstract This study focuses on Saudi mothers’ and their children’s judgments and reasoning about exclusion based on religion. Sixty Saudi children and their mothers residing in Saudi Arabia and 58…


This study examined how Saudi Arabian children (M = 10.50 years, SD = 1.61, Range = 8–10 years) evaluate peer exclusion based on religion when the perpetrator of exclusion was a peer or a father…

by Munirah Alsamih, Harriet Tenenbaum