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مبارك بن راشد آل رشود

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

علوم الحاسب والمعلومات
Building No. 31, Software Engineering Department, Office No. 2005

introduction/brief CV

مرحباً بكم في موقع د. مبارك بن راشد آل رشود

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Alrashoud, Mubarak. "Multi attribute decision making using optimistic/pessimistic Z-numbers." IEEE Access 6 (2018): 28249-28257.‏


Alrashoud, M., & Abhari, A. (2017). Planning for the next software release using adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system. Intelligent Decision Technologies, …


Alrashoud, Mubarak, Meshary AlMeshary, and Abdolreza Abhari. "Automatic validation for multi criteria decision making models in simulation environments." Proceedings of the…

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This course is a graduate course that covers basics of Requirement Engineering, Requirement Engineering process. Methods, tools, notations, and validation techniques for the analysis,…


  This course covers main concepts, tools, and techniques related to project management (time, cost, quality, scope, risk, human resources, communications) by focusing software projects.…


Course Description The course introduces the main concepts, methodologies, and techniques that are essential for a student to develop a small to medium size information…