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Mohammed Ibrahim Alquraishi

Assistant Professor

Faculty member

كلية العلوم الطبية التطبيقية
2289, Building:24

Effects of Extended Fasting on Body Mass Index, Caloric Intake, and Metabolic Rate among Saudi Students

The month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar where Muslims fast from dawn until dusk for 29 or 30 days. During the month of Ramadan Muslims around the world abstain from eating and drinking during day’s hours except those who are bedridden or journeying and women who are bleeding due to menstruation or childbirth. The effects of fasting Ramadan on body mass index, caloric intake, and resting metabolic rate are heterogeneous. The differences in previous studies’ findings are due in part to differences of the total amount of daily fasting time and the average number of fasting days. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to define the effects of fasting Ramadan on body mass index, daily caloric intake, and metabolic rate among Saudi students at Middle Tennessee University. At the end of Ramadan, Saudi students lost 1.15 kg, while there was no change in resting metabolic rate. Moreover, the daily caloric intake for Saudi students during the month of Ramadan was lower compared to regular months. 

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