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د. محمد بن عثمان بن احمد العوله

Assistant Professor

استشاري انف واذن وحنجرة

كلية الطب
مكتب رقم 506, الدور الخامس, مبنى رقم 5. مستشفى الملك عبد الجامعي
Journal Article

Sinonasal Manifestations of Sarcoidosis: A Single Institution Experience with 38 Casess

aloulah, Mohammad . 2013

Sinonasal Manifestations of Sarcoidosis

A Single Institution Experience with 38 Cases

                                        Mohammad Aloulah, MD.
Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery                
King Abdulaziz University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA


Introduction: Sarcoidosis is a chronic disease process characterized by non-caseating granulomatous inflammation, usually involving the lower respiratory tract. Given the rarity of rhinologic involvement, the objectives of the present study were: (1) to describe clinical features; and (2) to review outcomes of rhinologic surgery for sinonasal sarcoidosis.
Methods: Retrospective analysis was performed of 764 patients evaluated at a tertiary care referral center between January 2006 and July 2011. 
Results: Sinonasal involvement was evident in 38 cases (5.0%).  The mean age was 52 years with female:male ratio of 2.8:1. The most common presenting symptoms included nasal obstruction (65.8%), crusting (29.9%), and epistaxis (18.4%).  Most frequent endoscopic findings included crusting (55.3%), mucosal thickening (44.7%), and subcutaneous nodules (21%). CT imaging demonstrated turbinate or septal nodularity (21%), osteoneogenesis (15.8%), and bone erosion (10.5%).  Medical management was typically comprised of saline irrigations (73.3%), topical nasal steroids (68.4%), and oral steroids (63.2%). Refractory sinus symptoms required sinonasal surgery in 4 cases.  Overall symptom improvement was noted in 39.5% at mean follow-up of 16.2 months.
Conclusion: Sinonasal involvement was noted in approximately 5% of patients with known sarcoidosis.  Patients typically present with nasal obstruction and endoscopic evidence of crusting and mucosal thickening.  Medical therapy with irrigations and topical/oral steroids suffices in majority of patients, with surgery for refractory symptoms being required in a small subset of cases.

Publication Work Type
بحث علمي طبي
Magazine \ Newspaper
American journal of allergy and immunology
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Sinonasal Manifestations of Sarcoidosis

A Single Institution Experience with 38 Cases


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