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كلية الطب
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1 – Cellular Adaptations, Cell Injury, and Cell Death


1.1) Which of the following is NOT characteristic of reversible cell injury?

a) Reduced oxidative phosphorylation

 b) ATP depletion

c) Cellular shrinking

d) Changes in ion concentrationse) Water influx


1.2) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of irreversible cell injury?

a) Necrosis, which is always pathologic or apoptosis

 b) Intracellular accumulations (e.g. lipids) or calcificationc) Structural changes (e.g. mitochondrial densities)

d) Profound disturbances in membrane functione) Adaptable mitochondrial dysfunction

Match the cellular response normally seen in cells with the stimuli (description):


2.1) Chronic irritation (chemical or physical) a) Hyperplasia/Hypertrophy

2.2) Increased demand, increased trophic stimulation b) Atrophy

2.3) Reduced oxygen supply, chemical injury, infection c) Metaplasia

2.4) Metabolic alterations, genetic or acquired d) Injury/Necrosis/Apoptosis

2.5) Decreased nutrients, stimulation e) Calcifications/Intracellular accumulations


3) Which of the following describes hyperplasia?

a) Increase in the number of cells (mitosis) in an organ or tissue 

b) Decrease in the number of cells (mitosis) in an organ or tissue

c) Increase in individual cell size in an organ or tissue

d) Decrease in individual cell size in an organ or tissue

e) Reversible change in which one adult cell is replaced by another adult cell type


4.1) Most forms of pathologic hyperplasia are caused by excessive hormonal stimulationor growth factors acting on target cells. If a patient had hyperplasia of the endometrium,which of the following is the most likely?

a) Increased risk of miscarriage 

b) Decreased risk of miscarriage

c) Increased risk of endometrial cancer 

d) Decreased risk of endometrial cancer 

e) Increased risk of neurologic disease


4.2) Infection from which of the following is associated with hyperplasia?

a) Papillomavirus 

b) Enterobacteria

c) Staphylococci

d) Streptococci

e) Hook worms


5.1) Which of the following describes hypertrophy?

a) Increase in the number of cells (mitosis) in an organ or tissue 

b) Decrease in the number of cells (mitosis) in an organ or tissue

c) Increase in individual cell size in an organ or tissue

d) Decrease in individual cell size in an organ or tissue

e) Reversible change in which one adult cell is replaced by another adult cell type