Relative Frequencies of Alloantigen-Specific Helper CD4 T Cells and B Cells Determine Mode of Antibody-Mediated Allograft Rejection.
GJ., Alsughayyir J, Chhabra M, Qureshi MS Mallik M, Ali JM, Gamper , Moseley EL, Peacock S, Kosmoliaptsis V1, Goddard MJ, Linterman MA, Motallebzadeh R, Pettigrew . 2019
Humoral alloimmunity is now recognized as a major determinant of transplant outcome. MHC glycoprotein is considered a typical T-dependent antigen, but the nature of the T cell alloresponse that underpins alloantibody generation remains poorly understood. Here, we examine how the relative frequencies of alloantigen-specific B cells and helper CD4 T cells influence the humoral alloimmune response and how this relates to antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). An MHC-mismatched murine model of cardiac AMR was developed, in which T cell help for alloantibody responses in T cell deficient (Tcrbd -/-) C57BL/6 recipients against donor H-2Kd MHC class I alloantigen was provided by adoptively transferred "TCR75" CD4 T cells that recognize processed H-2Kd allopeptide via the indirect-pathway.
This data is related to the research article entitled “Germinal center humoral autoimmunity independently mediates progression of allograft vasculopathy” (Harper et al., 2016) [2].
Humoral alloimmunity is now recognized as a major determinant of transplant outcome. MHC glycoprotein is considered a typical T-dependent antigen, but the nature of the T cell alloresponse that…
Different profiles of alloantibody responses are observed in the clinic, with those that persist, often despite targeted treatment, associated with poorer long-term transplant outcomes.