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د. جواهر حجي محمد الحجي

Assistant Professor

استاذ مساعد- تخصص تغذية تطبيقية - وكيلة كلية الدراسات التطبيقية وخدمة المجتمع

كلية الدراسات التطبيقية وخدمة المجتمع
مبنى1 - مكتب245

Medical Terminology- المصطلحات الطبية -1- (سطب 1102)

Course Description
This medical terminology course covers the medical language and terminology used by health care professionals everywhere.
Objectives of the course:
1. familiarity as accurately as possible medical and health terms the most common and widely used in English.
2. clarify those terms and explained, understood and saved.
3. enable the student and help them in the biggest store and save as much as possible of the medical terminology used in hospitals and other health facilities.

Scientific content:
1. Introduction to health and medical terminology and its relationship with the management of hospitals.
2. How to apply the medical terminology and parts of the term.
3. to know the basis of medical and health knowledge of the terminology used and the basis of (root) each term and the prefix and suffix simple and compound for the parts and functions of the various organs of the body and terminology.
4. medical abbreviations, laboratory, and diagnostic.

expected outcomes:
1. knowledge of medical terminology for their use in the workplace.
2. knowledge of medical terminology in the relevant health reports to work.
3. Use appropriate language in communication and communication within the work.

course attachements