publication Journal Article 2018 Gahlan H.A., Azer M.K., Asimow P.D. (2018) On the relative timing of listwaenite formation and chromian spinel equilibration in serpentinites. American Mineralogist, 103 (7), 1087–1102. more of publication Gahlan H.A., Azer M.K., Asimow P.D., Al-Kahtany K.M. (2019) Petrological characteristics of the Neoproterozoic Ess ophiolite mantle section, Arabian Shield, Saudi Arabia: A mineral chemistry perspective. International Journal of Earth Sciences. (in press) 2020 Azer M.K., Gahlan H.A., Asimow P.D., Mubarak H., Al-Kahtany K.M. (2019) Multiple Stages of Carbonation and Element Redistribution during Formation of Ultramafic-Hosted Magnesite in Neoproterozoic Ophiolites of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, Egypt. The Journal 2019 Gahlan H.A., Azer M.K., Asimow P.D. (2018) On the relative timing of listwaenite formation and chromian spinel equilibration in serpentinites. American Mineralogist, 103 (7), 1087–1102. 2018