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د. حمدان بن عبدالعزيز العامري

Associate Professor

عضوء هيئة تدريس

تقنيات التعليم
Journal Article

K-12 Teachers’ Perspectives of the TPACK Four Technological Knowledge Dimensions Degree to Teach Using Blended Learning Mode

Abstract: This study examined the extent to which K-12 teachers possess the four technological pedagogical dimensions (T-dimensions) of TPACK in order to effectively teach using blended learning mode. It also explored whether there were variations in the T-dimensions among K-12 teachers based on demographic factors (gender, age, teaching experience, teaching stage, and previous experience with blended learning), their perceptions of the effectiveness of blended learning, and whether they had received official training in blended learning. The study utilized a TPACK questionnaire and involved 415 K-12 teachers from a population of 512504. Non-parametric statistical analyses were conducted. The findings indicated that K-12 teachers demonstrated high levels of proficiency in all four T-dimensions, with scores ranging from 3.71 to 3.92 and a total T-dimensions score of 3.86. Additionally, there were no significant differences in the T-dimensions scores of K-12 teachers based on gender, age, teaching experience, and teaching stage. However, significant differences were observed in the T-dimensions scores of K-12 teachers based on previous experience with blended learning, their perceptions of the effectiveness of blended learning, and whether they had received official training in blended learning.

Publisher Name
Journal of Education- Sohag University
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