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Hanan Saud Saeed Almathami


Academic faculty

كلية إدارة الأعمال
Building No.16, Level No. 2, Office No.193

Leadership MGT-413

Course Title




Instructor Information:          Hanan Saud  Almathami


Office & Office Hours:          Building No.03 /level No. 2 /Room No. 178

Course Description
Leadership is a course that has excited and fascinated people from all walks of life.  The concept conjures images of powerful and dynamic individuals who command conquering armies, run multi-million dollar corporations, or shape the destiny of nations.  History is replete with stories of political, religious, military and social leaders who are credited or blamed for ground breaking historical events even though there is still no universal understanding on how the events were caused or how much influence the leader really had. 
The widespread fascination with leadership may be because it is such a mysterious process, as well as one that touches so many aspects of our lives.  Why did certain leaders (Gandhi, Mohammed, Mao Tse-tung, and Kennedy) inspire such intense fervor and dedication?  How did certain leaders (Catherine the Great, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great) build great empires?  Why did some infamous people (Adolf Hitler, Mussolini) rise to positions of great power and influence?  Why were certain leaders (Winston Churchill, Indira Gandhi) suddenly deposed, despite their apparent power and record of successful accomplishments?  Why do some leaders have loyal followers who are willing to sacrifice their lives, whereas other leaders are so despised that subordinates conspire to overthrow and even murder them?  Researchers continue to explore these questions.
This course focuses on leadership theories that seek to explain how traits, behaviors, or situational factors influence leadership style and effectiveness.  We also explore the critical question of how well a leader is able to influence followers to achieve group objectives.  This is what distinguishes effective from ineffective leaders.    

Course Objectives
1.   To develop your capacity to think as a leader. 
2.   To give you an opportunity to interact and learn from local and national leaders.
3.   To integrate the knowledge gained in earlier courses and show you how the various theories of leadership fit together.
4.   To provide a forum for discussing leadership issues through objective and even subjective points of view.
5.   To integrate classical and contemporary leadership theories.
6.   To make you more aware about the importance of ethical principles, personal and company values and socially responsible leadership practices.
Leadership: Theory, Application & Skill Development by Lussier &  Achua (5th or 3rd Edition).
King Saud university digital library
Course Components

1.Individual assignment:

Class participation and Reading
The class is based on weekly structure and you are expected to read the following:

  1. A new chapter before class
  2. Review the last class content

The guideline for class participation and reading is based on the book recommended for you that includes the following diagram:

2.Group Project:

 Case Study Project

Case Study Project

Group of students will be required to write and submit a leadership focused paper.  The paper should be typed, double spaced and use 12 point font.  It should analyze and answer questions of a case available at the end of each chapter; each group will be assigned a case.  Papers that employ disproportionately poor grammar and poor quality will be assigned a grade that is one-letter lower than would otherwise be assigned.
Use at least three (2) sources in your paper.  Organize your paper so that it clearly delineates the Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and Reference sections.  Please, use subheadings in the body of the paper to highlight key points other than just answering the questions.
As you start trying to organize your thoughts, use the following approach:

  1. Start with an Introduction that presents your proposition focus of your paper. Don't form the introduction statement until you have read the entire chapter assigned for the case and your articles. In addition to the proposition focus of your paper include an overview of the case so the reader can comprehend its framework.


  1. Next is a background or body section that analyzes the case your assigned. Answer the case study questions and then support your answers with argument with external resources from the Middle East or GCC experience (two experiences is enough to support any and not all of your answers). When answering the questions, answer three primary questions. Make sure to use quotation marks and citations for sentences, words or phrases lifted off the pages of your articles. Don't put yourself in a position to be accused of plagiarism. Do all the articles support your thesis as stated in the introduction? If not, state and explain the areas where there are differences.


  1. In your Conclusion section, present your own opinion on the paper. What's your reaction to the topic? (Please see Case Study rubric and outline below for further information)

Case Study Presentation (Oral):  In addition to the written paper, students are required to present their research to the class. Initial time 15 Max. (Please see Case Study Presentation rubric and outline below for further information)
Very important note: whatever it’s an individual or group work, in class you should be seated with your group members you have been assigned according to the group list attached to this syllabus for all groups taking leadership.

  1. Exams:
    A designated 2-midterm exam and a final exam will test your grasp of the materials discussed in class.

    1. Midterm structure consists of: true and false, multiple choice and essay question.
    2. Final exam structure consists of: same as midterm in addition to mini case study where you need to answer few questions or matching table.



Course Components Time Points
Individual assignment
Participation during class and Attendance Continuous 5
Reading contribution Continuous 5
Group Project
Case Study  (Introduction, Body and Summery) Starting 22/11/2015 Written 6 10
Oral 4
Midterm Exam  1  Thursday (08/10/2015) 20
Midterm Exam  2 Thursday (05/11/2015) 20
Final Exam - 40



  • Course Outline


  Topic Deliverable
  Introduction and overview Establishing Groups
  Introduction and overview + Chapter 1– Who is a Leader? Establishing Groups
  Chapter 2-Leadership Traits and Ethics  
Chapter 3 - Leadership Behavior & Motivation.   
  Chapter 4 -  Contingency Leadership Theories  
  Chapter 5 - Influencing, Power, Politics, Networking & Negotiation  
  Chapter 6 – Communication, Coaching & Conflict Skills.   
  Chapter 7 – Leader-Follower Relations  
Chapter 8 - Team Leadership & Self-Managed Teams  
  Chapter 9 - Charismatic & Transformational Leadership.   
  Chapter 10 – Leadership of Culture, Ethics & Diversity  
  Chapter 11 – Strategic Leadership & Change Mgmt.  
  Chapter 12 – Crises Leadership & the Learning Organization.  
  Presentations Case Study Submission and presentations
  General and final examination  



course attachements