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Dr. Fawaz Alasmari | الدكتور/ فواز الأسمري

Assistant Professor

Faculty | عضو هيئة التدريس

كلية الصيدلة
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology | قسم علم الأدوية والسموم
Journal Article

SAR and molecular mechanism studies of monoamine oxidase inhibition by selected chalcone analogs

Shalaby, R., Petzer, J.P., Petzer, A., Ashraf, U.M., Atari, E., Alasmari, F., Kumarasamy, S., Sari, Y & Khalil, A., (2019). SAR and molecular mechanism studies of monoamine oxidase inhibition by selected chalcone analogs. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry.

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Alasmari, F., Alexander, L. E. C., A.M. Hammad, C.M. Bojanowski, A. Moshensky, & Sari, Y. (2019). Effects of chronic inhalation of electronic cigarette vapor containing…


Shalaby, R., Petzer, J.P., Petzer, A., Ashraf, U.M., Atari, E., Alasmari, F., Kumarasamy, S., Sari, Y & Khalil, A., (2019).…