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الكليات الانسانية
1أ3/ 198
Journal Article

Perceptions of Saudi Parents of Children with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Searching for Information and Support through Social Media Applications


الصم ، ضعاف السمع ، اولياء الامور ،وسائل التواصل الاجتماعية

This research paper concerning the perceptions of Saudi Parents of children with deaf and hard of hearing
seeking information and support through social media is based on data obtained from interviewing of forty
parents. The paper examines the available literature materials concerning children with deaf and hard of hearing
in Saudi Arabia and health information on social media. The paper also analyzes the research materials such as
books and journals and online materials concerning social media and parents of children with deaf and hard of
hearing. The collection of the data for this research is conducted through questionnaires that are randomly
distributed to teachers for distribution to Parents of children with deaf and hard of hearing in Riyadh Saudi
Arabia.Random sampling was used in the study where 80 parents were selected on the reliance of probability
sampling method. Descriptive analysis was applied in the analysis of the data obtained from the survey.
Descriptive analysis is used in analysing and explaining the general attribute of data collected. Statistical
Package for the Social Science (SPSS) is also used in processing the data. The results are analysed, and it reveals
that parents are actively using social media to search for information about deafness and hard of hearing. The
literature reviewed is collaborated by the information obtained by this research. It is concluded that social media
application plays a role in shaping the way parents of children with deaf and hard of hearing behave. Finally, the
paper offers recommendations to the parents, guardians and the society as a whole.
Keywords: Parents, children with deaf and hard of hearing, information and social media.

Publication Work Type
Volume Number
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Issue Number
Vol.8, No.36, 2017
Magazine \ Newspaper
Journal of Education and Practice
30 الى 39
more of publication

This research paper concerning the perceptions of Saudi Parents of children with deaf and hard of hearing
seeking information and support through social media is based on data…