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د. أيمن بن سالم بن مبارك مبارك

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس, رئيس وحدة التدريب الميداني بكلية العلوم

كلية العلوم
Building 5, Floor 1, Office 1B10/1

introduction/brief CV

Dr. Ayman Salem Mubarak Assistant Professor of Immunology ‪‪Botany and Microbiology Department‬, Faculty of science, P.O. Box 2455 
 Riyadh 11451, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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Background: SARS-CoV-2 pandemic continues to threaten the human population with millions of infections and deaths worldwide. Vaccination campaigns undertaken by several countries have resulted in…

by Mubarak A, Almutairi S, Al-Dhabbah AD, Aldabas SY, Bhat R, Alqoufail MM, Abdel-Maksoud MA, Almanaa TN, Farrag MA, Alturaiki W
Published in:
by A. Mubarak, M.S. Ahmed, N. Upile, C. Vaughan, C. Xie, R. Sharma, P. Acar, M.S. McCormick, J.C. Paton, T. Mitchell, N. Cunliffe, Q. Zhang
by Moussa I. Mohamed, Khalid S. Al- Maary, Turki M. Dawoud, Ayman S. Mubarak, Ashgan M. Hessain and Kh. F. Mohamed

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التقنيات المتبعة في جمع العينات وطرق نقلها وحفظها لحين التشخيص الميكروبي تشخيص الأمراض عن طريق الأحماض النووية والوراثة - الخلوية طرق استخلاص الاحماض - النووية من العينات الطبية…


 To identify approaches of isolation and identification the different microbes associated with various food samples, drinking water, waste water, municipal sewage, air, plant and other…


Energy: its importance, its compounds and sources stating the physical and chemical nature of the phenomena. The carbon sources and the spectrum of bacterial utilization of natural carbon sources…

office hours

Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
from _ 01:00 PM 10:00 PM _ _ _ _
to _ 01:00 PM 10:00 PM _ _ _ _
location _ AB 34 AB 34 AB 34 AB 34 _ 2B 24 (Immunology & Serology Lab) _ 2B 24 (Immunology & Serology Lab) _ _