مقالات منشورة
1. Heat Exchangers For Low Grade Waste Heat
A. Al-Witry, A. Aroussi and N. Hay
ASME Solar Engineering Conference, San Antonio, pp 159-163, 1996
2. Thermal Performance of Roll-Bonded. Aluminium Plate Heat Exchanger Panels For Use In. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
A. Al-Witry
PhD Thesis, The University of Nottingham, UK, 1999.
3. CFD Simulations for Engine Intake Manifolds.
A. Witry, A. Zhao.
CFD Society of Canada Conference, Windsor, Ontario, June 9 - 11, 2002.
4. Velocity Measurements in a Rigid Ceramic Filter in a Parallel-Flow Arrangement
M.H. Al-Hajeri, A. Aroussi, A. Witry.
CFD Society of Canada Conference, Windsor, Ontario, June 9 - 11, 2002.
5. CFD Analyses of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Patterned Roll-Bonded Aluminium Plate Radiators
A. Witry, M. H. Al-Hajeri and Ali A. Bondok.
3rd International Conference on CFD in the Minerals and Process Industries, CSIRO, Melbourne, Australia. 10-12 December 2003.
Link: http://www.cfd.com.au/cfd_conf03/papers/136Wit.pdf
6. Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Investigations in Shell and Dimple Heat Exchangers
A. Witry 1, M. H. Al-Hajeri 2 * : 1Automotive R&D Center, Windsor, Ontario, Canada and 2Mechanical Power and Refrigeration Engineering, Technical Studies College, Kuwait : Email: M. Al-Hajeri (hajeri@paaet.edu.kw)
International Journal of Energy Research, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Volume 29 Issue 5, Pages 427 – 438, Dec 2003.
7. Plate Heat Exchangers for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion.
M. H. Al-Hajeri, A. Witry
Journal of Flow Visulalization and Image Processing. Vol 11, pp 1-17, 2004.
8. Thermal Performance of Automotive Aluminium Plate Radiator.
A. Witry, M.H. Al-Hajeri and A. Bondok.
Elsevier Publishing, Applied Thermal Engineering, 25, 1207-1218, June 2005.
9. Numerical Simulation of Flow Past Multiple Porous Cylinders.
M. H. Al-Hajeri, A. Aroussi, A. Witry
ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering, 2009.
10. Analyses of Plane-Strain Compression Using the Upper Bound Method.
M Es-Saheb, A. Al-Witry and A. AlBedah. Res. Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 2012.
11. ANSYS-FLUENT k-e Model Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Predictions for the Complex Flow Effects Around Circular Pin-Fins.
A. Al-Witry, M. Es-Saheb. Res. Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 2013.
1. Heat Exchangers For Low Grade Waste Heat
A. Al-Witry, A. Aroussi and N. Hay
ASME Solar Engineering Conference, San Antonio, pp 159-163, 1996