يُقَدِّمُ الكتاب نظريات الأدب العالميّ المهمة وتطبيقاتها ويُناقش موضوعات ومفاهيم الأدب العالميّ الأساسيّة، متضمنةً إشكاليّة تصوّر الشموليّة الأدبيّة، ومقارنة الأعمال الأدبيّة عبر التاريخ والثقافات…
In this writing course, you will develop your capacity for undertaking academic research and analysis through an original research project and presentation of the results of your work to…
This course focuses on a number of world masterpieces of literature that deal with different aspects of human identity throughout history. We will examine major texts from different periods and…
This course is a general outline of English literature. It aims to provide students of English language and literature with a wide and comprehensive view of the three main literary genres in…