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د.محمد بن عبدالعزيز الأحمد

Assistant Professor

استاذ الاحصاء التطبيقي (الحيوي)

كلية إدارة الأعمال
مبنى 67 ، الدور الثاني، مكتب S231
Journal Article

Automatic Diagnosis of Sinus Arrhythmia Using HRV Indices Correlation During Anesthesia State

, M.Naouar, M.Alahmedand, R.B.Salah1, . 2016

Thisstudyestablishesanefficienttoolforinvestigationandautomaticdiagnosisofsinusarrhythmia and autonomous nervous system (ANS) during anesthesia state. Application is designed to analyze heart rate variability(HRV)basedon3Danalysis:PWVTandinstalledtoanalyzethebehaviorofANSstateofanesthesia in surgery service (n=11). PWVT demonstrate that the activity of ANS falls 8'43 after the injection of anestheticproduct,whileSTFTshowthisactivitydropsjustattheinjection,whichisphysiologicallyincorrect. Anautomaticdiagnosismethodisintroducedanditconsistsinpreparingdatabasewithsetofdifferentcardiac diseases parameters. The LF, HF, LF+HF and LF/HF powers are estimated to reflect the cardiac balance and allow the establishment of parametric database. And estimated the correlation of the above parameters with indices of HRV in time domain: Rri, RRSTD, rMSSD and pNN50. Thecorrelationsweresignificantwith p-value<0.001 for most pairs. Our studyshow, that variables stronglydepend on vagal tone (pNN50, rMSSD andLFandHF)werehighlycorrelated(r>0.89).Accordingexperimentalresults,LF/HFpowersdecreaseduring anesthesia state and RRi increase.We conclude that some time and frequency domain indices correlate so stronglywitheachotherthattheycansurrogateeachother.

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