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د. علي بن يحيى قحل Dr. Ali Yahya Kahal


عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم
كلية العلوم - مبنى ٤ - قسم الجيولوجيا والجيوفيزياء - الدور الثاني - ٢ب 117

452 جيو جيولوجيا البترول - Petroleum Geology

Objectives are to be able to:

•Discuss basic elements of Petroleum Systems

•Describe plate tectonics and sedimentary basins

•Recognize names of major sedimentary rock types

•Describe importance of sedimentary environments to petroleum industry

•Describe the origin of petroleum

•Identify hydrocarbon trap types

•Define and describe the important geologic controls on reservoir properties, porosity and permeability

course attachements