Mobile Video Delivery: Challenges and Opportunities
Taha, Ashraf A. . 2016
With the development of smart phones, video streaming over mobile wireless networks has rapidly taken a huge growth in the recent years. The aim of this presentation to provide an overview of the mobile video streaming background. In addition, I will highlight a set of the current open research challenges in delivering streaming videos over cellular networks and possible ways to tackle those problems. In particular, the content of this presentation will be organized into four sections. The first section will provide an overview of the set of platforms that are focused on providing scalable performance for mobile video delivery. The second section will discuss some important challenges for efficient mobile video delivery and consider some potential solutions as well. The third section will discuss an adaptive multiview video streaming that exhibits resilience to network bandwidth variations and client view selection uncertainty. Finally, a discussion of open research challenges, the main obstacles, and future research directions will be presented in the last section.
With the development of smart phones, video streaming over mobile wireless networks has rapidly taken a huge growth in the recent…
For real-time transmission, still image and video sources require wide bandwidths and large storage memory space. Therefore, compression techniques are useful and must be applied to overcome the…
The demand for video streaming has been soaring in recent years. However, there is a gap between traffic demand and link capacity due to time-varying throughput fluctuation. This fluctuation…