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د. وليد بن سعد الزامل

Associate Professor

مدير مركز بحوث كلية العمارة والتخطيط

كلية العمارة والتخطيط
مبنى رقم 32 - الدور الثاني - مكتب رقم 2109
مقال فى مجلة
تم النشر فى:

A Conceptual Framework for the Activation of Sustainable Cooperative Housing Production in Saudi Arabia

cooperative housing sustainability affordability housing production Saudi Arabia

Despite efforts to solve the housing crisis in Saudi Arabia, there are still many challenges related to providing affordable housing due to the high cost of production. Cooperative housing is an approach that achieves the principle of affordable housing through collective effort and effective management. However, activating sustainable cooperative housing production is a process that involves reforming the entire housing system, including policies, subsidies, management, and financing. This study aims to develop a conceptual framework to activate cooperative housing production in Saudi Arabia so as to achieve affordable housing. The research methodology relies on a theoretical approach to identify the relationship between cooperative housing and urban systems so as to determine the factors of cooperative production, including housing policies, management, subsidies, and financing, within a participatory framework. This study focuses on monitoring the situation of cooperative housing and local housing challenges using theoretical concepts, indicators, and international experiences. This study proposes a comprehensive framework for the production of cooperative housing that effectively affects the Saudi housing market and is compatible with the needs of people with low incomes.

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The phenomenon of informal settlement is one of the societal trends to deal with the housing crisis by building housing units on lands that are not suitable for human settlement and in violation…

بواسطة Waleed Alzamil
تم النشر فى:
جامعة باتنة - الجزائر

Despite efforts to solve the housing crisis in Saudi Arabia, there are still many challenges related to providing affordable housing due to the high cost of production. Cooperative housing is an…

بواسطة Waleed Alzamil
تم النشر فى:

يناقش هذا البحث دور التجديد العمراني كمنهج في زيادة الرصيد السكني في الأحياء المتدهورة عمرانياً وذلك بالتطبيق على حي الملز في مدينة الرياض كحالة دراسية.

بواسطة منار بن سويلم, وليد الزامل
تم النشر فى:
مجلة العمارة والتخطيط - جامعة الملك عبدالعزيز