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منصور ناصر الصويان

Assistant Professor

رئيس قسم الميكانيكا الحيوية والسلوك الحركي

كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني
كلية علوم الرياضة والنشاط البدني malsowayan@ksu.edu.sa
مقال فى مجلة

Fitness and physical characteristics of Saudi youth football players: a comparative study.

a comparative study

Alsowayan M. 2023

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to gather an anthropometric and fitness dataset for young Saudi footballers and compare their characteristics to other populations.
METHODS: The sample comprised male football players (N.=188) participating in an U17s Saudi football league (mean±SD age: 15.5±0.6 yrs.; height: 168.5±6.8 cm; BMI: 57.8±7.9 kg). Participants completed a battery of fitness tests to calculate their predicted maximal oxygen uptake (VO2peak); a vertical jump test; a 50m speed test; agility test. Anthropometric measurements included height, weight, body fat percentage, and BMI. These data were compared against previously reported data from age-matched players around the world according to playing positions using Z-scores.
RESULTS: Goalkeepers and defenders were taller than other players (P<0.05), and forwards had higher BMI and triceps skinfold values compared to midfielders and defenders (P<0.05). No other differences in anthropometric characteristics existed between the participants. Defenders were faster than goalkeepers and midfielders in the 50-m speed test (6.85±0.38 vs. 7.22±0.59 and 7.13±0.48 s, respectively, P<0.05). Defenders and midfielders had a higher VO2peak than goalkeepers (47.6±5.1 and 47.7±4.9 vs. 42.8±5.2 mL/kg/min; respectively, P<0.05). None of the anthropometric measures could predict fitness characteristics in the participants. In comparison to players from around the world, Saudi players had lower body mass, (Z≤-1.98), more body fat (Z≥2.20), and lower predicted VO2peak (Z≤-2.56, respectively, P<0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Saudi defenders appeared to be more physically developed than other players, but had lower cardiorespiratory fitness compared to age-matched players from around the world; this could be due to inadequate training programs.


KEY WORDS: Physical fitness; Soccer; Exercise test; Athletes; Anthropometry

نوع عمل المنشور
Original article
اسم الناشر
Journals Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
مدينة النشر
Journals Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche
مزيد من المنشورات

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بواسطة Campana Bonilla, Marco V. and Alsowayan, Mansour N
تم النشر فى:
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بواسطة Campana Bonilla, Marco V. and Alsowayan, Mansour N
تم النشر فى:
International Society of Biomechanics in Sport

BACKGROUND: This study aimed to gather an anthropometric and fitness dataset for young Saudi footballers and compare their characteristics to other populations.

بواسطة Alsowayan Mansour
تم النشر فى:
Journals Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche