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مقال فى مجلة

Bone morphology changes around two types of bone-level implants installed in fresh extraction sockets – a histomorphometric study in Beagle dogs

HM, Alharbi . 2015

bone level bone preservation implant design microgap

Background: Minimizing crestal bone loss following immediate implant placement is considered
the most challenging aspect in implant therapy. Implant surface topography and chemical
modifications have been shown to influence the success of Osseointegration. The Straumann
Bone Level implant, featuring SLActive surface, has been introduced with the aim of enhancing
bone apposition. Similarly, the OsseoSpeedTM implants from Astra Tech claim to have an enhanced
osseointegration. Because of the specific features in the implant design, both companies claim that
crestal resorption is minimal with these implants.
Objective: To evaluate the osseointegration and crestal bone level following immediate placement of
Straumann Bone Level implant and OsseoSpeedTM implants in fresh extraction sockets in Beagle dogs.
Method: The distal roots of the second, third and fourth premolars were extracted in both sides of
the mandible. The distal roots were removed using a dental elevator. A total of 60 fixtures were
installed in 10 Beagle dogs. Two types of implants were used: Straumann Bone-Level implants,
which were 8 9 3.3 mm in size, and Astra Tech OsseoSpeedTM 3.5 S MicroThreadTM implants, which
were 8 9 3.5 mm in size. The histomorphometrical evaluation was performed at the end of 4- and
12-week healing. The implant–bone contact and bone volume percentage were assessed.
Results: The bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and the bone volume did not show any significant
changes for both types of implants. The OsseoSpeedTM implants showed 67.4% and 65.3% BIC,
respectively, at 4 and 12 weeks compared with 71.7 and 73.1 for the Straumann Bone-Level
implants. The bone volume around both types of implants did not differ significantly at both time
periods. The crestal bone resorption was observed for both types of implants. The first BIC at buccal
side and lingual side of the implants also did not differ significantly for both implant systems.
Conclusions: This study showed that Straumann Bone Level and OsseoSpeedTM implants induced
similar bone response after immediate implantation at 4 and 12 weeks. The immediate implant

placement resulted in peri-implant crestal bone-level changes for both types of implants.

نوع عمل المنشور
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
Clinical Oral Implants Research
1112- 1106
مزيد من المنشورات

Background: Minimizing crestal bone loss following immediate implant placement is considered
the most challenging aspect in implant therapy. Implant surface topography and chemical

بواسطة Alharbi HM