تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي
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Hisham Hussein


Professor of Mathematics Education

كلية المعلمين
King Saud University
مقال فى مجلة

Trends of Mathematics Education Research Studies Published in Journal of Mathematics Education from 2017 to 2021

Research trends research priorities mathematics education educational research

The study aimed to analyze the trends of mathematics education research published in the Journal of Mathematics Education in the last five years and to propose a future map for mathematics education research in the light of the analysis results, professors’ and experts’ views, and the contemporary international trends. The study used a simplified model to classify research in seven domains. Also, the researcher used a questionnaire for professors and experts to determine a future map for mathematics education research. The results showed the research trends in the Journal of Mathematics Education were most of the articles were single authored (79.5%), the use of the experimental methodology (63%), the dominance of teaching strategies research (37%), the number of primary school students (27%) followed by the middle school students (26%), the category of normal students (89.7%), and the experimental research using one independent variable (62.5%). For the dependent variables, the articles used two dependent variables (30.7%). Achievement was the most frequent at 17%. The interaction of one independent variable with two dependents variables was the most frequent and the research co-authored by professors was 11%. The study suggested a future map for future mathematics education research. Recommendations and suggestions were presented.

نوع عمل المنشور
اسم الناشر
United Arab Emirates University
رقم المجلد
رقم الانشاء
. International Journal for Research in Education
مزيد من المنشورات

The study aimed to analyze the trends of mathematics education research published in the Journal of Mathematics Education in the last five years and to propose a future map for mathematics…

بواسطة Hisham Hussein
تم النشر فى:
United Arab Emirates University

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