Igor Bondarenko
Mingkwan Doilom
Fellow of the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program
Dr.Norah Algarzae
Faculty / Board of Accessor / Academic Quality Practitioner
Piaoping Yang
Fellow of the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program
Mohammad Rashid Khan
Assistant Professor
Ali Kashif Bashir
Fellow of the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program
Rainer Hedrich
Fellow of the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program
العنود بنت طارق السديري
Shahid Mumtaz
Fellow of the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program
هناء حكمي
عضو هيئة تدريس في قسم علم الحيوان
Alaa M Altammami
Dr. Nader E Alotaibi د. نـادر بن عقـاب العتيبـي
Faculty member
د. عبدالله بن عيد العصيمي العتيبي
أستاذ مساعد
رياض علي الزهراني