Accent Identification for Saudi Speakers
The goal of this project is to create an intelligent program that is able to listen to a Saudi speaker then classify him/her according to him/her accent. This project also aims at identifying the speaker’s gender and identifies the speaker.
Table of Contents
Section 1 Introduction Section1
Section 2 The SAAVB Section2
2.1 What is SAAVB?
2.2 What is the objective of SAVVB?
2.3 How the process of collecting data works?
2.3.1 How the Telephone Interface System is built?
2.3.2 How the Call Flow Recording System is operated? The Call Receive program The Recording Call Flow program
2.3.3 The Transcription Setup The Hardware Setup The Software Setup
2.3.4 The Backup and Data Management System The Recording Setup Backup and Management System
2.3.5 The Transcription Backup and Data management System
Section 3 Feature Extraction Section3
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Signal-processing front end
3.3 Mel-Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients
Section 4 Hidden Markov Model toolKit Section4
4.1 Introduction to HMM
4.2 Markov model
4.3 Hidden Markov Model
4.4 Introduction to HTK
Section 5 Gender Identification Section5
5.1 What is gender identification?
5.2 Another used algorithm: The Peak algorithm
5.3 How to use HTK for Gender Identification
5.3.1 Training step
5.3.2 Testing step
Section 6 Accent Identification Section6
Section 7 Speaker Identification Section7
Section 8 Developed Programs
Section 9 Experiments Results Section9