URD 598 Prepare Research Plan
This course equips postgraduate students enrolled in a thesis option track with the necessary knowledge, methods and skills to prepare a scientific research plan prior to embarking on a thesis to complete the master degree requirement. The course provides an accurate guide of the steps to organize and write a research plan and answers many of the questions that may face the student during the thesis implementation. It clarifies the process of developing the research components, including the research title, introduction, research problems, research significance, objectives, and hypotheses or questions. It also describes the methodology to be followed in implementing the research and its human, temporal, geographical and physical limits. After the student prepares the research plan and is approved by his advisor, the student presents and debates the research plan in an open seminar in the presence of several faculty members and students. The student may be asked to reconsider some parts of the research plan before submitting it to the Graduate Studies Committee and then submitting it to the Department Council to be officially approved.