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كلية طب الأسنان
مبنى كلية طب الأسنان

413 POS


King Saud University, College of Dentistry
Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
  Division of Pediatric Dentistry
413 POS
Clinical Pediatric Dentistry I
Monday, 2:00 – 5:00 pm [GUC]

Course Directors
    Dr. Latifah Al-Howaish [GUC]

Dr. Asma Al-Jobair

Dr. Nouf Alhammad

Dr. Rasha Aldabaan

Dr. Latifah alhowaish

Dr. Zain Hafiz

Dr. Manal Al-Mutairi

Dr. Noura Al-Essa

Dr. Majdah Al-Homaidhi

Dr. Tahani Azizarrahman

Course Number  : 413
Course Code   : POS
Credit Hour   : Four (4) Credit Hours
Pre-requisite Course  : 312 POS
Location in the Curriculum : Fourth Year
Required Textbooks  : Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent
     By:  Ralph E. McDonald
     8th Edition, 2004, Mosby Co., Inc.
Course Description:
 This is a four-credit hour course with the duration of one academic year.  The
course consists of didactic and clinical components.  The didactic component addresses
the different aspects of diagnosing, managing and treating the dental problems of pre-
school and school age children.
 The clinical component is the first clinical course in Pediatric Dentistry.  The
course offers one session of 3 hours each week for one academic year.  It is a clinical
setting in which the student acquires the motor skills necessary to render care for
children.  The student should have an opportunity to perform the clinical procedures
commonly associated with children’s dentistry.  The concept of comprehensive care will
be adapted so that the student develops an awareness of and appreciation for the total
child.  Patients with age ranging from 8 to 14 years will be selected according to course
Course Outline:
1. Assessment of the child which includes the medical and dental history, type of
behavior, occlusion, oral habits, soft tissue, carious lesions, radiographic
2. Practice of patient motivation, plaque control, topical fluoride therapy, fissure
3. Practice of operative dentistry for children, which include local anesthesia, rubber
dam placement, amalgam and resin restorations, stainless crown, pulpal
procedures for primary and young permanent teeth, extraction of primary teeth. 
Space management appliances and employment of behavior management aids.
  Didactic    - 50%
         = 100%
  Clinic     - 50%
  341 Based Review Exam  -    5%
  Written Assessment No. 1  - 7.5%
  Written Assessment No. 2  - 7.5% = 50%
  Written Assessment No. 3  - 10%
  Final Assessment   - 20%
  Quality   - 35%
                = 50%
  Effort     - 15%
The evaluation of the clinical work will be based on:
1. Weekly assessment of the quality of work (35 pts).
A number of instructors are assigned for this course.  Each one of them will work
with a group of seven or eight students for three weeks then rotate with other
groups.  The final grade for the quality of work will be an average of the grades
given by the all instructors.
The knowledge of the student on clinical procedure being performed or related
topics will be tested on weekly basis by the instructor.
2. Satisfying the course requirements and efforts (15 pts).
 Minimum course requirement for the year.
3 Acceptable treatment plan
4    Class I cavity preparation including OL
4 Class II cavity preparation
2 Anterior restoration (Class III, IV, V build up)
2 Extraction
8    Fissure sealant i.e. Minimum of 4 points
3    Pulpotomy
2    Space maintainer
3    Preventive resin restoration
3    Stainless steel crown
2    Complete cases
3    Recall visit
 The above are the minimum requirements accepted for the course.  It is expected
that the students would use their time wisely and show more effort.  Point system will be
adopted to assess this effort.  The final grade will be measured according to class
performance.  Students are expected to complete every case started.
Point Distribution:
    Procedure     Point
1. Examination, Treatment Plan, Charting,    3
  Prophyl/Fl., etc.
2. Sealant (per tooth)       ½
3. Class I / Preventive resin restoration     1
4. Class II        2
5. Class III / V        1
6. Class IV / MOD / build up      3
7. SSC / strip crown       3
8. Pulpotomy        3
9. I.P.C. / direct pulp cap.      1
10. Temporary dressing for incomplete cavity prep   0
11. Complete case (after polishing / prophyl / Fl)   2
12. Exceptional cases (eg. Pulpectomy)
 to be determined by the instructor.
13. Extraction (not mobile tooth)      1
14. Space maintainers
  Band and Loop      2
  Nance Appliance, Lingual Arch    3
15. Management problem patients     1 – 5
16. Caries control (gross excavation of caries    1
 in 2 or more quadrants and IRM dressing)
17. Recall visit        2
 (Prophy, Fluoride, OHI, X-ray etc.)
NOTE: * Punctuality, neatness, professional attitude and rapport with the 
instructors are variables to be considered in the final grade of the
  * Traumatic pulp exposure or perforation of pulpal floor attracts a 
failure grade but the completed procedure will be awarded points.
Clinic Policy:
 The student is required to:
 First Visit:
1. Record personal data and case history – Dental / Medical.
2. Introduce the child to the clinic – apply the tell show and do technique.
3. Examine the child and record finding.
4. Take necessary radiographs and models if indicated.
5. Give oral hygiene instruction after disclosing the plaque and do rubber cup
prophylaxis.  Fluoride application (if indicated) should be done, following
approval by the instructor.
6. Dispense a toothbrush for the patient, write his name over it and keep it in the
cabinet for his use during subsequent appointment.
7. Formulate a treatment plan on a sheet of paper (if time allows).
8. Present treatment plan to the instructor.  When approved, rewrite the treatment
plan in the chart and have your instructor sign it.
 Second Visit
9. Proceed with treatment as planned.
10. At each visit, the first ten minutes should be spent in teaching the patient the
proper way of brushing, using disclosing solution or tablet and his/her own
11. If the patient has rampant caries or large cavities in two quadrants or more, gross
excavation of caries should be done and I.R.M. is placed.
Student’s Responsibilities:
1. Give appointment to the patient.
2. Make sure that the patient attends the clinic.  Re-confirm the appointment with
parent 24 hours before the appointment.  If the patient is not attending, book
another patient (NO EXCUSE).
3. Be on time for the clinic.
 If the student fails to attend for any reason, it is his/her responsibility to:
 a. Cancel the patient.
 b. Notify the course director about it.
c. Write a letter to the course director explaining the reason for his/her
 d. Notify the booking staff and arrange for the next appointment.
If the student fails to follow the above steps, he/she would be considered absent
without excuse and be given “F” grade for the session.
Attendance Policy:
- Any student who is absent for 25% or more in the clinics/lectures would not be
allowed to take final examination.
- All the students must be in time for the lectures.  Any student who is late for 5
minutes will be allowed to sit in the lecture but will be marked absent.  Any
student late by 10 minutes will not be allowed to enter the lecture room.



course attachements