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Mazin Saleh Amin Zaindin

Assistant Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس

كلية العلوم
أب 25 مبنى 4 كلية العلوم

CSC 201

Introduction to programming
Computer Organization, Machine languages, Assembly Languages and High-level  languages. C standard Library, C++, Java, simple programs.
Operators:    Assignment operators, increment and decrement operators, logical operators,
Structured Program Development
Algorithms, Pseudocode,
 selection statements: if-statement, if-else statement.
Counter-controlled repetition, for-statement,
while and do-while repetition statements,
switch-case statement
nested statements
break , continue and goto statements
Object Oriented Programming
basic concepts, classes, objects, structures, destructures overloading, inheritance, polimorphism
Program modules , math library and other libraries, functions, function definitions, function prototypes, headers, calling functions: call by value, call by reference, random number generations, inline functions
Defining arrays, array examples, passing arrays to functions, sorting arrays, example- computing mean, median, and mode using arrays, multiple-subscripted arrays. String arrays.
Graphics and graphic user interface(GUI)
Introduction. definitions, initializing and organizing GUI. Basic concepts of graphics using programming language
file processing
Data hierarchy, files and streams,  creating a sequential-Access file
Reading data from a sequential-Access file, creating a random access files, writing data randomly to a random access files, reading data from a random access files,
course attachements