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د. ياسر هاشم عماد الهياجي

Associate Professor

عضو هيئة تدريس | أستاذ مشارك | قسم إدارة موارد التراث والإرشاد السياحي

كلية السياحة والآثار
مكتب رقم 164 | الدور 2 | مبنى 11 | كلية السياحة والآثار
Journal Article

Analyzing the strategic framework for developing tourism in urban heritage sites (uhss): a case study on the old city of sana'a (Yemen)

Analyzing the strategic framework for developing tourism in urban heritage sites (uhss): a case study on the old city of sana'a (Yemen)

Urban heritage has an important status in the process of developing the tourism sector. Urban heritage in Yemen differs depending on the regions and historical cities such as City of Old Sana'a, Historic Town of Zabid, Shibam, Taiz, Thula, Saada and others.
The Old Sana’a City is one of the ancient cities in the Arabian Peninsula dated back to Fifth Century B. C. It is located in the northern part of Yemen. The old city of Sana'a is rich in in terms of urban heritage reflecting through buildings, mosques, scientific old schools, castles, walls, towers, mansions, markets and luxury homes. It was included in world cultural heritage list by UNESCO in 1986.
This study aims to examine the relationship between tourism and urban heritage, Also to promote the role of built heritage on the Old City of Sana'a to developing tourism. It investigates a strategic plan for developing tourism in an urban heritage sites applying to the Old City of Sana'a, which focuses on promoting sustainable development of cultural and environmental resources to achieve a balance between protection of heritage sites and development of tourism.
Keywords: the Old City of Sana'a, Strategy, Tourism Development, Urban Heritage.

Publication Work Type
مقال علمي
Publisher Name
Journal of Tourism and Archaeology
Publishing City
Riyadh - Saudi Arabia
Volume Number
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by د. ياسر هاشم الهياجي
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