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Yasser Saad Alali ياسر بن سعد العلي

Assistant Professor

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

كلية طب الأسنان
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

311 MFS

. Course description

The 311 course in oral and maxillofacial surgery is designed, based on its objectives, to expose students to the specialty and help them develop the knowledge, skills and values to become competent in performing minor oral surgery. An introduction of minor oral surgery is diagnosis and treatment planning for oral surgical procedures which are essential for the general practitioner. The main course objective is practical application of local anaesthesia and the performance of simple extractions.

The educational program rests on two central elements: a rigorous didactic program that combines lectures with small-group learning, and a clinical program that imparts proficiency in the basics of oral surgical practice. The students are being able with a good understanding of the evaluation, diagnosis and management of the surgical patient.

This course theoretically covers mainly management of medically compromised patients, exodontia including simple and complicated extraction; management of severe oral infection including osteomyelitis and osteo-radionecrosis; the principles of diagnosing and treating facial trauma which includes fractures of the mandible and the middle third of the facial skeleton; the dental implications of the maxillary sinus; surgical aids to pathology with special reference to biopsy, and introduction of tumors including benign and malignant, diagnosis and principles of management. The students will be oriented with the hospital evidence-based surgery. We believe that our curriculum provides students with a solid foundation that they will use for the rest of their professional lives, whether or not surgery is a career goal.

. Course objectives

The student should be able to:

1. Apply what he had been instructed in the previous course [211 MDS].

2. Assess the patient whether normal or medically compromised, draw out a treatment plan and execute it by the help of his instructor.

3. Know local anaesthesia and application of techniques: inferior dental block and infiltration anaesthesia.

4. Perform simple extractions.

5. Identify the forceps and elevators used in extraction, how to hold and apply them in practice.

6. Should know the different types of emergency and how to manage it.

7. Assess impacted and unerupted teeth and how to treat it. How to design a muco-periosteal flap and to remove bone.

8. Understand and treat dental infections e.g. periocoronitis, periapical abscess and periodontal abscess.

9. Recognize and assess the different types of cysts. How to differentiate and the outline of treatment.

10. Know antibiotics: Types, dose, mode of action, antibiotics use in oral surgery.

11. Know haemorrhage: Types, aetiology and outline of management

12. Apply the knowledge gained in the previous courses.

13. Diagnose and treat infections in and around the oral cavity including incision and drainage of dental abscesses.

14. Diagnose and have the knowledge of how to treat facial fractures including first aid procedures.

15. Understand the conservative and surgical management of maxillary antrum complication of odontogenic origin including recent and long-standing oro-antral fistulae.

16. Assist in the early diagnosis of oral malignancy by performing a biopsy from suspected oral lesions. The student should also be able to liaise with the oral pathologist to reach the correct diagnosis.

17. Student orientation with the hospital based surgical procedures and protocols of pt admission and preparation which reflect the theoretical dictated part. Also operating room protocol will be explained.

. Course Outline:

i. Lectures topics

1. Medically compromised patients I

2. Medically compromised patients II

3. Emergency in oral surgery I

4. Emergency in oral surgery II

5. Dental infection I

6. Dental infection II

7. Diagnosis and management of oro-facial infection I

8. Diagnosis and management of oro-facial infection II

9. Impacted and unerupted teeth I

10. Impacted and unerupted teeth II

11. Cysts of the jaws I

12. Cyst of the jaws II

13. Antibiotics and prescription

14. Haemorrhage in oral surgery

15. Periapical surgery

16. Maxillofacial injuries: Introduction

17. Fracture of the mandible

18. Fracture of the maxilla

19. Principles in the management of mandible fractures

20. Principles in the management of midface fractures

21. Complications in fracture management

22. Diagnosis and management of Cysts I

23. Diagnosis and management of Cysts I

24. Tumors of the jaws I

25. Tumors of the jaws II

26. Maxillary sinus in dentoalveolar surgery

27. Maxillary sinus in dentoalveolar surgery

28. Revision I

29. Revision I

30. Continuous assessment

ii. Clinical sessions:

Preclinical training for maximum student orientation before pt treatment during the first 4 weeks will be employed. Skull models and phantom labs will be used for that purpose. No booking of pts for the first 4 sessions. During this period, the students should have a good background of all basic clinical skills and theoretical (anatomical) revisions required for conducting the clinical objectives aimed during the year. All the necessary steps in dealing with the pts should be fully practiced and understood before managing any patient.

The clinical part includes the management of patients: assessment of complaint, relevant medical history, relevant dental history and clinical examination to reach diagnosis. The students have to perform different techniques of local anaesthesia, do simple extractions by the use of forceps and elevators. Students have to know about hospital and operating room protocols.

. Required textbook

  1. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: An Objective-Based Textbook By Jonathan Pedlar and John W. Frame. (2001)

  2. Fractures of the Facial Skeleton By Peter Banks and Andrew Brown. (2001)

. Reference textbook

Contemporary Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery By Peterson, Ellis, Hupp, Tucker. 4 edition (2003)

course attachements