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صالح بن إسماعيل القيسي SALEH I. QAYSI

Assistant Professor

Chair of Geology and Geophysics Department, ASSistant Prof. at GGD.

كلية العلوم
Buildin 4, Geology & Geophysics Department, AB 89/3

introduction/brief CV

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أستاذ مشارك بقسم الجيولوجيا والجيوفيزياء - ورئيس سابق للقسم في الفترة من 2019 إلى أكتوبر 2023

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The present study presents the analysis of a moderate earthquake (Mw 4.0) and its largest aftershocks located along the Red Sea coast, southwestern Saudi Arabia, with the aim to understand the…

by .., Saleh Qaysi, etl.

A hydrogeophysical investigation has been conducted along the NE part of the Gulf of Aqaba coast that covered a total area of about 40 km2. The area represents a vital part of the ambitious…

by .., Saleh Qaysi, etl.

This study explores the spatial distribution of seismicity, the pattern of b-values, gravity and magnetic anomalies, heat fow data, and focal mechanism solutions to more thoroughly understand the…

by Ali K. Abdelfattah, Chokri Jallouli, Saleh Qaysi, Basem Al‑Qadasi

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This course will explore the causes, effects, and societal response to disasters. By learning from previous disasters, we can develop strategies to avert the disasters or at a minimum mitigate…


The students are exposed to the geophysical methods that use to examine a number of different geological and environmental problems.


In this course, we deal with natural hazards including several topics such as earthquakes, tsunami, and landslides, etc.